How The Idea Started...

At the beginning of the pandemic, healthcare providers closed their clinic doors to minimize spread of the virus.    Our family experienced the same thing as many others - the shut down meant that my siblings and I had no well care visits, no physicals for school athletics, and no communication with our doctors for routine medical questions.  Also at that time, our grandparents who lived with us were cut off from their regular healthcare regime.  Our grandmother who was being treated for breast cancer and our grandfather who was waiting to get a pacemaker had their healthcare paused indefinitely.  It was a scary time for everyone but especially for those who needed regular medical attention.  

Yet out of this troubling time emerged new ideas and opportunities.  Knowing that people needed to reconnect with their healthcare needs, providers and patients alike discovered web based solutions.   We watched our father, a physician and an IT specialist, work around the clock to help his physician group get prepared to offer remote based services, including video visits, doctor/patient email communication, paperless prescription refills, and much more. The pandemic necessitated that healthcare providers seek to offer services in a new way.

What We Want to Do...
Why It's especially important for older individuals...
About Our Team

Taran and Hayden Wan are a brother and sister team that joined together to empower individuals with technology.  Our extended family has many engineers and physicians so an endeavor that combines those two interests came naturally to us.  Ever since the start of our childhood, whether it's been computers, tablets, or phones countless aspects of technology have played a role in our upbringing and continue to do so.  We want to use our love of technology and our interest in medicine to help more people discover they can successfully manage their healthcare needs in the digital age. 


Provide technology and training to expand healthcare access to greater segments of the community with an emphasis on reaching those groups who are currently underrepresented in the digital population yet who would benefit most from its services. 


We provide the technology to our participants so your donations can help us reach a greater number of individuals who could benefit from greater access to digital healthcare.  We accept monetary donations as well as gently used ipads & tablets.  Please donate today and help us reach more people in need. 

Contact Us

Please email us if you have any questions.  Our goal is to respond to emails within 1-3 days of receipt but many times we can get back to you faster.  We look forward to hearing from you.  

In making healthcare more accessible, many healthcare organizations use technologies to provide online health information to the population.  There is a lot of research emerging that suggests older individuals who have reliable access to health information have the potential to improve their self-care skills, adherence to treatment, health knowledge, health decision making, well-being, and so much more.   However, despite the progressive interest of older adults for health information, there is a digital gap in using online health information between younger and older populations.  This is why we believe providing the technology along with the training can give older individuals the skill set to engage with online healthcare apps and the confidence to use this new arena to gain greater access to their healthcare needs.  

Simply put, we want to provide technology and training to those individuals most in need to help them gain greater access to their healthcare.  Our own experience showed us how valuable web based healthcare services can be, but that they take time and effort to learn.....and a willingness to explore and make mistakes. My sister and I were quick to try new things and loved the ease of ordering prescriptions from our phones or doing video visits in the living room on our ipads.  But we know that not everyone is as comfortable with technology as we are, and that seems to be especially true of older individuals like our grandparents.  They had managed their healthcare in the same way for decades - in person appointments, paper prescriptions, face to face communication with their providers, etc.  Almost overnight, they were offered new ways to do these services but they were hesitant to jump in and try things on their own.  We wanted to show them how online healthcare options can be beneficial to them. 

Healthcare At Hand was created to help connect people with technology and training to empower them to better access and manage their healthcare needs.
How You Can Help...

Whenever necessary, we provide the technology necessary to get our participants up and running on their digital healthcare apps.  We rely on your donations to make this happen.  The more money we raise, the more people we can help.  We also accept gently used tablets and ipads that can run the appropriate operating systems.  Please see our Donations link for PayPal donations or you can email us at to see if your gently used tablets can help our cause.  Thank you!